14 February 2021
Work in progress but it's up and I love it. Thanks so much,
14 February 2021
Hi, parcel arrived yesterday, I have just opened it and I love it !! Thank you :)
6 February 2021
Love them! Thank you!
4 February 2021
Hi, we got the artwork home and hung it on the wall today. It looks absolutely amazing. Thank you
3 February 2021
I purchased this for my husband several weeks ago for our 7th Wedding anniversary, the anniversary has finally arrived and he unwrapped it it's amazing he loves it its up on the shed already. I highly recommend this to any one it's very appropriate as our last name is Peace so I decided its a Peace lily.
18 January 2021
Just to say a really big thank you for the lilies, my wife loved receiving them on our wedding anniversary.
Really appreciate the prompt emails and shipping,
23 November 2020
Hi, very happy and lots of positive comments, sending folks your way.
Cheers Andrew and Joanne

11 August 2020 Australia
Hi - Package received! It’s perfect for the wall ♥
Many thanks, Gillian
11 August 2020
My order from you arrived yesterday safely and are now looking beautiful on the wall.
Thank you so much, it’s lovely to have artwork from different parts of NZ, and so nice it is made from recycled material.
Kind Regards
29 April 2020
My lillies arrived today and I love them.
Thank you I look forward to purchasing again from you sometime, your service and artwork are excellent.
Kind regards,
22 April 2020
The weave turned up today and it is spectacular. My hubby loves it and we've put it up in the entrance way so it's first thing we see when we walk in the door! Thank you for your beautiful work.

March 2020 Kangaroo Island, Australia
Photo of my King!! Looks pretty good, pity the coals have gone cold.
6 March 2020
About 2 weeks ago I came on a day trip from Auckland to Coromandel and bought one of your woven copper wall art works which you kindly wrapped up so I could bring it back to the uk.
Just wanted to tell you it arrived! Air NZ were great and loaded it we thought through to London but due to Corono virus we had to return home via LA which needless to say caused a hassle and it did not arrive in London with us but it was delivered to our house 2 days later. We had made a trip to Bunnings to buy some hardboard and bubble wrap to stop it bending and it arrived in a good state and I am now waiting for some sunshine so I can see its real variation in colour! Not found a permanent home yet but will wait till the summer arrives, if ever!
So thank you, I am pleased with it
Best wishes
Maggie Brookes
Feb 2020
Love all my copper art, my trellis looks great but photo not doing all your lovely work justice.
Looking forward to seeing what else you have at Martinborough Fare
15 January 2020
Picked up the Marlin from Main freight, its awesome!!
Thanks G
8 January 2020
King Fish has just arrived ....OUTSTANDING!!!!!!
Thank you so much my Husband is going to flip when he receives it tomorrow!
6 January 2020
Thank you so much for the quick, timely delivery of my recent purchase. The lobster is fantastic! Thanks also for the careful packaging. You provide a great service.
Kindest regards,
20 December 2019
We arrived back in Te Aroha with all the copperwork in place. Checked it several times and it never moved.
We absolutely love it, and think you'll agree it looks great. Thanks so much
Kathy and Kevin
19 December 2019
My order arrived just now in the post.
They look great!
Thank you
26 October 2019
I bought a weave from you today from the markets at Whangamata and wanted to write a review but can’t find where to do this on your website.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know it is now on my wall and it looks magnificent, thanks very much..
Your work is stunning and I could have bought heaps more.
Lyn Dorreen
11 December 2019
Thank you sooooo much for the absolutely beautiful copperwork. I love them both.
Regards Coral
24 September 2019
Love the copper stingrays and the fish. Cheers Ray USA
I just thought I'd let you know that everybody LOVED their butterflies and the sunflower. You really do amazing artwork and it's so great that you use recycled product.
Once again, thanks so much for your fantastic service and fabulous gifts.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend.
Best wishes and no doubt I'll be back in touch at some point in the future for more…!
Take care,
13 June 2019 United Kingdom
The Albatross has landed( a very rare event I know !)We were away last week otherwise we would have received it earlier.Very impressed with the packaging up- you did a grand job!Duncan’s birthday isn’t until August but he’s having an early birthday present.It kept him occupied for a while opening the package - that’s half the fun of birthdays I think!
Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into getting it to us, we’ll send you a photo when we’ve decided where to put it.
Thanks again
Judith (United Kingdom)
10 June 2019
Hi guys
I didn’t make it into the Home Show but hope you did well there.
Here are your flax flowers looking stunning in my stairwell at Otaki Beach. They went up yesterday.
Many thanks
20 May 2019
Its perfect, thank you so much! Great work, it looks awesome :) Regards Carolyn - Whangarei
I just want to say a massive thankyou, I received my order back in Jan, but didn't open it as it was purchased as a 7yr wedding anniversary gift for my hubby, today it is a absolutely fabulous, outstanding detail. thank you sooooooo much :) Cheers Kay
Thanks a million, I thought it would be a bit tight, with the long weekend. It arrived and looks beautiful - Thanks Jessie
Just collected a copper stingray for a presentation gift. Lovely job, well packaged for courier and a pleasure to do business with. Regards Glen Michel Kwan
5 October 2018
Love all my copper art, my trellis looks great but photo not doing all your lovely work justice.
Looking forward to seeing what else you have at Martinborough Fare
12 September 2018
I had already ordered a large NZ map for my brother in December last year.
It is a beautiful peace of art, so I want to order a large NZ map for myself as well.
Regards Andi